Sunday, January 18, 2009


i hate it how your smile rips of my stone of a heart and smashes it and smashes it unto it explodes into tiny pebbles of blood and self hate.
i hate it how your eyes scream at me all my wrongs and all my faults until im broken down into a fragile mess.
i hate it how your hands crush that mess into dirt and dust until im invisable and blow away with the slighest of minds.
and as my dust and emotions fight your laughter for the air to live in.
tree talks to me, he says climb me, climb me to skys door and dont stop until the couds tickle your chin.
i stare at tree, his branchs reaching, reaching, but for what?
"tree, what are you reaching for?"
" internity."
"what is that?"

the pink spiders from under my mothers eys creep down her face into her mouth and remove word after word, yell after yell, demand after demand.

i miss the summer with them, they always built better sand castles then me.

a seceret is something that can be kept between two people or to ourselfs.
the pain i put myself through everyday is one to myself.
but no one else will tell me secerets so i only have these few to myself
a seceret grows after time
like a baby in a whome it forms characteristics of its own and one day pops out and explores the world.

im too lazy to upload the photos.
my neck hurts and i feel like shit.

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