Monday, February 23, 2009

boy and sea.

i offered myself to the sea.
for him to take my soul and all of me.
i offered myself to the sea.
and he looked down and swollowed me.
down down down deep i went.
all the time we shared and spent.
down down deep i went.
everything was gorn, everyone who ment.
so i lived my life as the sea.
the sea was i, i was the sea.
everyday came, and everyday would be.
until one day a young boy offered himself to me.
he offered himself to the sea.
for me to take his soul and all of he.
So i took his life and set him free.
he swam through me.
he swam through the sea.
he was in me, i was a part of he.
he lived there for a while.
he lived his life in denile.
he lived in the sea for a while.
one day the young boy said to me.
"why did you offer yourself to the sea"
"why did you offer yourself to the sea"
as my waves crashed down onto all that could be.
and they gave their lives to me, the sea.
they gave their life to the boy and the sea.

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