Friday, February 6, 2009


its strange.
given the tinyest bit of hope we live on how people can expect so much out of life.
when we put something to mind and are given incouragement or infuenced in some way that this may actually be possibly we normaly take the challenge on no matter how stupid or unlikely it is.
as we get older our minds mature sure but we still do things that other people say are more likely to happen then when people are negitive about the out come.
we all want so much.
money can buy happiness and for the person who said it could not your quite a silly man for money is this world.
money rules us all. if you have millions of dollars or nothing it still have a greater power over all of us.
from our first pocket money we become a slave to it, and will do alot of stupid degradeing things to get it

hope and money
the two things we live by
the two things that contoll us.
shame i have neither.

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